Meet the Partners: TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Damir Zuljevic from TU Bergakademie Freiberg. @Damir Zuljevic
August 27, 2024
What are your main tasks in the project?
The main task of TUBAF is to optimize the COOL+ process on a laboratory scale. The COOL+ process allows the recovery of lithium carbonate from lithium-containing primary raw materials as well as the production of geopolymers from the residues, thus achieving a holistic utilization. The lithium carbonate ion is recovered by selective leaching with supercritical CO2 followed by concentration and precipitation of the lithium carbonate by increasing the temperature. The laboratory results and experience will be shared with the project partners IKTS and G.E.O.S to validate the results on a technical scale and to develop a pilot plant.
What are your next steps in the project?
The next steps would be to optimize the process to increase the lithium recovery from around 60 percent to desired >90 percent of lithium. That involves multiple parameters to fully optimize, starting with particle size of the ore, temperature, duration of the process, pressure, liquid-solid ratio etc.
Why do you think METALLICO is important for the general public / Why should people care about the work of METALLICO?
The increasing electrification of everyday life (smartphones, tablets, electric cars, etc.) is leading to a growing demand for lithium-ion batteries. Their production requires a large number of raw materials that are currently imported. In times of increasing political unrest, creating independence from raw materials is essential. In the METALLICO project, European raw materials are processed to extract the valuable substances they contain. The focus is on the development of sustainable and effective processes. METALLICO thus makes a significant contribution to improving the European raw materials situation.