Work Packages
METALLICO foresees the interrelation of different disciplines to achieve the market entry of the proposed processes and resulting products. In several work packages the strategic consortium covering the whole value chain is paving the path to demonstrate recovery of battery metals trough sustainable processing methodology.
Lead: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Work package 1 will develop a chemical and mineralogical characterization of the resources of the five target streams, provided from the four industrial sites. The work package will also develop lab-scale experimentation for the definition of design operational parameters (used in work package 2), considering the maximization of metals recovery and the minimization of cost. Further, when necessary, work package 1 will develop intermediate-scale tests (reach Technology Readiness Level - TRL 5) to ensure its further scale-up at TRL 7 for its validation in work package 3.
Work package 2 will develop a Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation as starting point of the engineering of the different processes as well as conceptual, basic and detailed engineering for the different processes’ construction in work package 3. Further, work package 2 will develop the digital twins of the five different processes. Another objective of this work package is to develop the Battery Metals Inventory (database) and integrate it (together with the digital twins) in the METALLICO Digital Platform.
The objective of work package 3 is to construct the pilot plants at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6-7, carry out the commission and start-up so they are ready for the validation, and run the METALLICO processes operation in continuous mode.
Lead: CIC energiGUNE
Work package 4 will characterize the quality of the products obtained in work package 1 and work package 3. Further, work package 4 will validate that the quality of obtained products are suitable for the existing processes, demonstrating in the processes in the real industries, demonstrating the circular economy full approach and paving the way to the market entry and future exploitation.
Lead: Politecnico di Torino
Work package 5 will address three pillars of Sustainability: Environment, Economic and Social.
Specific objectives are:
1. To support NET ZERO CARBON and evaluate the potential effects to the environment of the proposed solutions.
2. To assess the economic impact of the innovations (incl. costs, benefits drivers & structure) and evaluate its feasibility to create new or entry existing markets.
3. To evaluate social aspects.
4. To quantify circularity of proposed technologies and identify opportunities to integrate circular economy strategies.
Thus, the developed assessments will generate a sound and fairly objective to steer the dialogue with stakeholders and obtain the Social-License-to-Operate.
Lead: AtClave
Work package 6 will generate an open and transparent space for the communication of the project, considering different scales of the Social License to Operate and its interrelations. To this end, direct interaction and participation will be sought with key social groups in the area and other stakeholders related to the project in the public and private spheres.
Another objective of the work package is to raise public awareness of the need to develop an “ethic of circularity” and self-sufficiency of critical raw materials in Europe, considering the different "target audiences" of reference.
Further, work package 6 will provide useful tools to the sector to address the social acceptability of mining activities (primary and secondary resources). The premise is that it is necessary to work on improving the integration of social and technical aspects in mining projects, currently very disconnected from the exchange and "common ground" between social and technical professionals.
Work package 6 will also strengthen existing governance and networks in relation to mining and the circular economy both in each participating region and at European level.
Lead: DECHEMA e.V.
The objectives of work package 7 are to raise awareness on project’s results amongst key target audiences and to develop plans to support exploitation and ensure sustainability of project know how and results along the value chain. Further, work package 7 will disseminate the project results to the future generation of researchers and stakeholders and will guide decision-making about circular economy in the public and private sectors, mobilizing commitment.
Another objective of this Work Package is developing an exploitation strategy and business plans as well as an IPR strategy and management.
Work package 8 is about project coordination and management, following the management structure and decision-making mechanisms:
1. To guarantee the proper execution of all tasks and objectives including knowledge management
2. To establish an appropriate liaison with the European Commission for financial administration and reporting
3. To conduct a risk assessment to ensure effectiveness and excellence in the execution
4. To manage ethic issues as set out in the Consortium Agreement and the Grant Agreement.

Image source: METALLICO