M12 Meeting in Barcelona

12 January, 2024
Almost one year after the METALLICO kick-off, we met again in person. From 13 to 14 December, 2023, the project partners came together in Barcelona, Spain, at the Polytechnical University Barcelon (Universitat Polìtecnica de Catalunya - UPC). Our aim was to present the work done so far to the partners and to discuss the next steps.
On the first day, one after the other, the work package leaders talked about their current status of work and gave an outlook on what they are planning for the coming months. In addition, the five METALLICO processes and their state of development were presented.
On the second day, the work packages presentations went on. Further, we participated in a workshop on exploitation that was organized by METALLICO partner Radical Innovations Group (RIG). Therefore, we separated into different groups and filled in a canvas provided by RIG. After that, every group presented their work in a pitch.
During the presentations, there was always time for discussing the findings from the presentations and for networking.
Thanks, UPC, for having us and for organizing this fruitful meeting!