Meet the Partners: DECHEMA e.V.

October 29, 2024
What are your main tasks in the project?
As the leader for the work package on communication, dissemination and exploitation, DECHEMA e.V. has several tasks in the project. One task is to raise awareness on the project’s results and to make sure the project stays in the mind of our stakeholders. In brief, we want to make the project visible! To reach this goal, we have, for example, set up the website and the social media accounts. We also create and send the electronic newsletters. Further, we are responsible for designing the different METALLICO materials like the flyers, brochures and posters.
Another of our tasks is to disseminate the project’s results. We want to make sure, that future generations of researchers and other stakeholders can use the METALLICO results. For this reason, we already created many infographics about the project and a project video. We will, for example, also create factsheets and invite our stakeholder groups to webinars. Another important task is to present METALLICO at events such as congresses and trade fairs. For example, this year we presented the project at the ACHEMA in Frankfurt (Germany).
For all our tasks, we are always in contact with all METALLICO partners to gather ideas and information that we can use for our work. We also work together close with our colleagues from At Clave who are responsible for the project’s social participation, stakeholder engagement and networking.
What are your next steps in the project?
In the upcoming months, we will continue with making METALLICO and the project’s results known to different stakeholders. Therefore, we will continuously update the website and our social media accounts and send the next newsletter. Also, we will soon start to organize webinars for external stakeholders and develop factsheets for industry stakeholders.
Why do you think METALLICO is important for the general public?
METALLICO is on a mission to create value out of a waste stream that is largely present but mostly unknown in our society. We think that the approach of extracting additional raw materials from existing waste streams for key technologies such as the battery is a real win for our society and the environment. It will help us meet the challenges of the future. By communicating on the project, we want to involve all interested parties in the research process, raise awareness for the importance of the METALLICO processes and create a dialogue.